Remote customs issue
At present, our specialists have developed a procedure for preparing customs declarations for goods located within the region of the customs organ. This differs from the place where the declaration is prepared in accordance with the concept of customs clearance and customs control of the goods in the regions close to the Russian state border (a letter of the FCS of the Russian Federation dated 21 August 2009 No. 21-50/39656, "On the concept direction").
Along with the online customs filing and preliminary informing, the application of the technology of remote customs issuance of the goods and transport vehicles is one of the promising directions of the customs authority activity.
This technology is a fundamentally new approach to the performance of customs operations and customs control.
The technology of the remote customs issuance is an integral part of internet -declaration development.It is based on the treatment of internet-declarations using the electronic juridical significant interaction between different customs authorities.
It stipulates that declaration and cargo issue take place in the internal customs authority. And the import, temporary storage of cargo and their control take place in the region of activity of external customs authority situated near the state border of the Russian Federation. In such way documentary and working control is done by different customs authority.
The main advantages of the technology of remote customs issuance are:
- Customs declaration of the cargo without association of enterprises with customs posts and places where the cargo is situated;
- Transport logistics optimization and cost saving for participants of FEA (absence of necessity of putting the cargo under the customs procedure of internal customs transit and also presenting the cargo to the customs authority while making the customs inspection (or examination) of the cargo and transport vehicle;
- A reduction in customs operations time and
- Possibility of receiving of paper copy of customs declaration with marks about the clearance of the cargo in the customs organ located at place of declaring or in the place of situating of the cargo.
In general the remote customs issue as well as other advanced technologies put in service by the customs under the development of existing system contributes towards the realization of Conception of customs clearance and customs control of cargo in places near the state border of the Russian Federation.