
Our range of services relating to export-import operations includes:

  •  Consultations with all foreign trade participants to ensure correct preparation of the necessary documents;
  • Advice of qualified lawyers and accountants;
  • Goods classification according to the Unified Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activities of the Customs Union;
  • Preparing and submitting customs declarations and all associated documents to the customs authorities on the basis of a brokerage contract bearing customs agent`s EDS;
  • Following-up the customs declarations, particularly by arranging preliminary inspections, participation in consignment inspections, and ensuring provision of inspection results to the customs authorities;
  • Collecting the documents to confirm the goods value according to the first method of customs value determination;
  • Representing the Customer`s interests in functional departments of the customs authorities;
  • Ensuring documents translation by professional translators;
  • Arranging customs duties payment for the Customer using Customs Card payment system.
+7 (4842) 79-03-01
© 2013, LLC «Intera». Custom representative.